Aquabike.World Ranking

Individual Ranking Overall

Aquabike.World Ranking is calculated from all aquabike race results worldwide and updated every Wednesday morning. If you want to know more about it, check out our Aquabike.World Ranking FAQ.

Rank Name Agegroup Points Races
1. Claim Zsolt Szalka M 380 1
2. Claim Daniel Postasy M 331 1
3. Claim András Csákvári M 55-59 251 1
4. Claim Möhring Emese F 55-59 160 1
5. Claim Imre Boncz M 20-24 115 1
6. Claim András Nagy M 112 1
7. Claim Barbara Szabó F 96 1
8. Claim Péter Nedók Pál M 86 1
9. Claim János Szemán M 70 1
10. Claim Gábor Kállai M 65 1
11. Claim Luca Albert F 62 1
12. Claim Gábor Szalay M 58 1

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* Please note that we do not have age information of all ranked athletes. So some athletes are missing if you filter by agegroup.